50 shades of wrong

Watch the video.

However I advise you to not watch with kids around.

Go to this link below:


Last night this video was in my facebook feed. Seeing it was Matt Fradd who understands and stands against porn I thought it would be a good thing to watch.

However I watched it before bed. Terrible idea.

I knew the book, and the soon to be released movie, was bad and revolved around porn but I had no idea it was this bad.

"It's textual porn and that's okay..." -Betty Dodson 

Uhhhh. No. Not okay.

Porn is never okay.

And now we're having movies made about porn. NOT okay.

Call me sheltered or whatever the heck you'd like, at nineteen years old I just realized what a X rated movie is. My stomach feels like puking. My heart broken and green.

After watching this clip on the 50 things about Fifty Shades of Grey I prayed my rosary for comfort. For all those around the world who are buying this book, going to go see the movie, glued to computer screens of more than just naked human beings... God help us!

Why do we have to live in this kind of world surrounded by this evil? I am physically sick at the thought of innocence being slandered and disrespected.

I shouldn't, you shouldn't, have to worry about what could come up on the computer screen by simply just getting on the internet. Or worrying about a child going to a friends house and porn magazines casually just laying on the coffee table. Is this really how we are living our lives?

What breaks my heart the most is that my readers whom I love so much could potentially be reading this and then turn around and go support or see that movie, read that book just to "know what it is about."

I could say so much more on the subject but my heart is burdened as it is.

Join me in praying for all who are addicted to pornography. Praying for the victims who are put on display. (Not by choice I am assuming.) Praying for the author of this horrific book. The actors and actresses as well as director of this movie. Prayers for the theaters showing and promoting this. For those who will spend money on images and behaviors that will never escape one's mind. Prayers of healing.

How long sweet Jesus must we live like this? Must we suffer this evil?

Sign the petition to show you are boycotting 50 Shade of Grey.

