My dear Andersen/Biagi family

Let me start off by saying I hope I am not over stepping my boundaries.

My heart breaks for your loss.

The intention of this blog is to gather prayers for such a loved family of mine. 

This started off as an email to my friends the Andersens but then I thought this family really needs prayers. 

I figured my blog reader family would be the best way to get these prayers. 

I am asking each of you to pray with me for them. For healing.


My dear Andersen/Biagi family,

I woke up thinking of you guys and your sweet mom and grandma. 

I got on my lap top this morning and was going to email you letting you know I am praying. (All the Rehders have been.) I got on facebook and at the top of my news feed is Lizzie's beautiful post about Grandma going to be with Jesus. 

My heart breaks for you all. I can only imagine your pain, your loss. 

April posted a picture of grandma and grandpa Biagi. I see my beautiful Biagi/Andersen women in the smiling face of mother and grandma Geneva. 

Know you will continue to be in my prayers. And so I pray with and for you now...

Heavenly Father,
Be with and strengthen the hearts of all who were touched and blessed to know Geneva. Hold near to you LORD all who are in the Biagi family. Especially my Andersens. Grant them healing but may this healing come from YOU and you only. Maybe it will come through tears...but like I recently said in yesterday's blog Jesus wept. He wept over the death of his beloved friend Lazarus. Whisper in each of my loved one's ears it is okay to cry. To weep over such a beautiful soul. But remind them too that like Lazarus he rose from the dead. And this I know they already know. Momma Geneva is in your hands sweet Jesus. Smiling down on these children of hers. These grand and great children of hers. Restore in them in time LORD the joy Geneva would want them to have. The joy she had. Though I did not ever get to meet her just seeing her picture and knowing her decedents not to mention the Italian in her, she would not want them to be sad. Bless and heal Grandpa Biagi. Walk with him and show him your love. In your strong hands gather this family and love on them. Weep with them.  "Blessed are you who weep now, for you shall laugh." - Luke 6:21 

And so we all pray... Pray for you. Pray for Geneva as she is welcomed into heaven in the arms of our loving Father~ 
