Kindness Matters

My sisters, Madison and Nicole, and I just watched an episode of Touched By an Angel.

The episode is about some students who try to make a "statement" by choosing to bomb their school.

They've been teased, picked on, humiliated and shamed every single day of high school by their piers.
One of the boys beaten by his dad and made fun of for it from those around him.

Some of the boys choosing to go along with the "statement" think no one will get hurt. However the leader of the group has had it planned all along to bomb the school when all the students gather at eight am. Taking not only all six hundred lives but his life as well.

There is a Sister who happened to had gone early to school that day. God's mission for her was to explain to the boys that though they've been hurt, killing others will not take away the pain but instead increase it. Speaking from her experience.

The message I am getting to is how do we treat those around us? Those in our homes? Our schools? Our communities?

Do I push people down?

Do I call them names?

Do I laugh at them behind and to their face?

Their is the expression "Actions speaker louder than words but in this case words speak louder than actions."

Words cut wounds so deep... Disasters and tragedies like this occur.

What can we do to stop the sadness? The brokenness? The heart ache? The humiliation? The hatred? The anger?

Think before speaking.

Think before acting.

How simple it is to smile.
How easy it is to be kind.

Yet, we go out of our way to make lives around us miserable.

This is not what God asks of us.

I know that and you know that.

Teach your children how to be kind. Show them by example.

We are all broken within but can be mended if we help one another.

If we allow God's help.

Stand up for those around you.

Do what you are asked of from above.

Be the kind person God created you to be.

Be not the person who does evil.

Make someone's day! Lend a hand. Smile at those around you..

Who knows, you might just save a life.

