Kindness and courage

Another day passes and I am ready for bed when I realize I haven't blogged for the day. I unplug my iPhone and put my glasses back on so I can type on this little touch screen keyboard and find myself frustrated as I make mistakes. This is my apology in advance.

Today my sisters, mom and a few friends and I went to Lewiston. We did some shopping and got to see the new movie Cinderella.

I really wasn't sure what the movie would be like. Of course I know the storyline but from the trailer I was having mixed feeling.

To save time and questions I loved the movie!

Not just the fairytale couple but the message within.

Be kind and have courage.

Simple right?

I was inspired by this.

Be kind, have courage.

Truthfully that is what we need to do and need to have.

Hearts full of kindness as well as courage.

Lord, touch my mouth and fill me with your kindness. My eyes, my heart, my everything. Kindness be there. Give me the courage I need to follow you. As well as the courage to stand up for others, myself and my faith in you.

With all my heart this I ask.
Make me your kind and brave princess.
