Do. For. Christ.

Right now I am worked up.

We live in a world where if we have a different opinion the world tells us to shut our mouths and keep quiet. End of discussion.

I am sick and tired of that mind set.

I am done being quiet.

There are a few things I am fed up with at this point and that is why I am blogging on such matters.

I am done being this way.


Fight for what is right!

Our family just bought the Bible dvd series.

I can't even begin to describe or explain what the Bible entails.

Such faith. Such courage. Such trust in the Lord.

Where is that faith? That courage? That trust?

Obviously the people in the Bible were not passive people.

They cried out. They stirred things up. It was messy.


Because they were on fire for their faith in Jesus Christ!

So where is our faith? Where is our courage? Where is our trust?

Stand up for what you believe in. Don't sit back and watch the world crumble before your eyes.

Do something.

Get your hands dirty.

Be not afraid.

In all things, do for Christ!

Inspiring quote: "Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created." Another fav Bible verse.
