
I write this blog because so many people have misunderstood the reason for our precautions with COVID-19. 

What is Quarantine?

"A strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease. A system of measures maintained by governmental authority at ports, frontiers, etc., for preventing the spread of disease. To exclude, detain, or isolate for political, social, or hygienic reasons." https://www.dictionary.com/browse/quarantine

My sister Maddie, was brave enough to voice her concern, 

"COVID-19 is a serious issue. Certain regions of our country are preparing to reopen, but this does not mean the virus has been eradicated. This is not a time for selfishness—If we do not take this seriously, our numbers will likely spike yet again and further cripple our economy. Love your neighbor...stay at home. If you’re posting “quarantine” pictures with friends (that is the total opposite of quarantine), you have no idea what’s at stake here. I’m sick and tired of making the sacrifice while watching others completely disregard the precautions necessary for ending the pandemic. End of rant." 

"Not a time for selfishness." 

Why am I taking this seriously? I am immunocompromised. Should only the immunocompromised be quarantined? No.

This quarantine isn't about the weak verses the strong.

I understand it's not fun staying at home or feeling lonely. 

The last time I was around people other than my immediate family, or in a public building was before this all began.

"Loneliness is exercise for the heart." - unknown

 We're all going crazy together. 

"Suffering is a heavy burden if, in fear, you attempt to avoid it. Suffering is a sweet experience if you courageously accept it."
The Road of Hope a gospel from prison - Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan

We're not going to beat this by thinking our immunity will beat it. 

We need to quarantine out of compassion and love.

Neighbors walking by an infamous Brooklyn funeral home this week were shocked by the sight of bagged bodies piled outside, unrefrigerated and in full view. “At one point they had 20 bodies ou…

"Love your neighbor...stay at home!"
