Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. We are reminded of Christ's suffering and death.

We are reminded of His passion but also of His compassion.

Compassion, "The word means, "together," com, and "to suffer," pati. Compassion is about co-passion where you are willing to co-suffer." -The Broken Way by Ann Voskamp

Jesus is filled with compassion for us.

He suffered, died and rose from the dead to save us.

He was willing to co-suffer for us.

His heart broke for ours. 

"He let His blood run so you can stop running." -The Broken Way

He took up His cross and He wants to help carry the cross you carry. 

"He was moved with compassion." - Matthew 9:36

Remember His Passion but also His Compassion.

"You must grow weak enough to love the world,  and yet strong enough to let Christ carry your cross."
