Kindness Wins
Everyone is sick and tired of each other and lacking charity, self included.
We are all tired of being "sick and tired."
Difference of opinions and actions should be expected. However, our reactions to the indifference is what matters.
We are all tired of being "sick and tired."
But, we are not at war with one another. we are at war with COVID-19.
Difference of opinions and actions should be expected. However, our reactions to the indifference is what matters.
"If you praise those who praise you, accept those who accept you, and keep company with those who share your opinions, then you have neither charity nor wisdom. It is simply a case of the blind leading the blind."
The Road of Hope a gospel from prison, Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
Though, there is a lot to be irritated by in life, there is also a lot to be grateful for.
How boring would our world be if we all thought exactly the same?
"I saw that if the Church was a body made up of different members, the most essential and important one of all would not be lacking; I saw that the Church must have a heart, that this heart must be on fire with love."
A story of a Soul
We may not have control over this virus but we can control our reactions.
We're all going to continue to struggle but choosing to be kind will win in the end.
"Blessed are they who have a gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of going out of one's self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another." Thomas Hughes
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