Real meaning of the word Star

"Interestingly, the North Star played a key role in the Underground Railroad. Slaves in the South would use Merak and Dubhe to find the North Star, which led them north to Canada, allowing them to escape slavery. I was surprised to discover the North Star isn't very bright compared with many other stars in the sky and really doesn't stand out in the night. It can be hard to find if you don't know where to look. Sadly, I find this true of the Catholic Church as well. 

The Church hasn't burned bright in recent years. In fact, she's a sleeping giant. However, for those who find her, she never wavers and is a constant guide, always pointing to truth. A lot of other stars out there seem more exciting and welcoming, but only the North Star stands its ground, even when it's not popular. It never moves. 

For those who discover her, the Church leads people out of a life of slavery, just like the North Star. She has freed countless people from lives of countless addictions. She has helped the faithful find their purposes and missions in life, which in truth has released them from the bondage of quiet desperation, where they're always searching the things of this world for fulfillment, but never satisfied. We need more people willing to act like the stars Merak and Dubhe to lead other people to her hidden treasure. What a beautiful gift is the Church." 

-Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission (Pg 144) 

That being read and highlighted, I saved it in the archives to blog. Then this morning at mass Fr. Wander's homily was focused on us being "stars." Great topic since we celebrate the Epiphany today. Father asked each of us what kind of star we are and will choose to be.

As the reading above explains, stars lead. But there are also the stars that are known as the "black holes." (As Father P. would say.) These black holes don't give off any light but also take away light. Often it is easy to fall into this life style, but it is better to be a shining star leading and sharing the light with others.

Thinking about what kind of star I am... I wanted to be the shooting star. The one everyone ooohs and awes at when they see it. But I decided I don't want to be that star. I want to be a star tucked behind a cloud. Not a cloud that blocks out my light but enhances my light because I am unseen.

This is my prayer. To escape being that shooting star. Or better worded wanting to be that shooting star. God grant me the humility I ask of You to lead others toward you with Your light not mine.

