Gentlemen II

Yesterday I was preaching to the alter boys (Catholic reference) about being gentlemen.

Call me old fashioned...Tell me I am obsessed. Whatever you want to say I really don't care.

This is how I feel. This is how I roll. This is what I teach.

Seriously, at Release Time (Catholic Education) with my first graders, though the girls want to hold the doors I won't have it.

The girls would probably like to laugh when I say we'll let the boys do it and the boys groan but Miss Gabbie gets her (think Minny Jackson from The Help) voice on and makes sure the ladies say thank you and that the boys are recognized as gentlemen.

We got to start these kiddos young. :)

I am really proud of my first graders. Yesterday we had our classroom set up like a church and were practicing gestures we use at mass.

(For example: genuflecting: Kneeling on one knee and making the sign of the cross.)

We only have three girls in our class and the other seven kids are boys, so a few boys had to sit by girls. But when we practiced walking in the "communion line" for how to practice receiving a blessing the boys sitting by their girl classmates had to let the girls go before them in the aisle.

We had no complaints!

I was so impressed! Most adults don't even do that. (Whether it be for their sisters or moms or wives.)

This small gesture like the opening and holding the door makes me grin from ear to ear. Why? Because I feel valued.

Can I open the door myself? Yes. Can I walk behind a guy? Yeah. But he is going out of his way for me. Not in a flirtatious way but in a sincere manner. Hence the word gentleman. 

So what's a good quality in a guy? Someone who puts others before himself. Whether it be his mom, sister, wife or a stranger.

Note to self if a guy don't treat his momma right or his sisters right what makes you think he gonna treat you good? (Again the Minny Jackson in me is coming out.)

Jesus was the ultimate gentleman. I take that back IS the Ultimate gentleman. Guys you wanna be like Jesus? Be like Jesus. Girls you want to be like Jesus? Act like ladies.

Now I am going to post this and get twenty questions from my mom about the gentleman rants.

Be sure and watch the link. 

Not saying you have to become a priest to be like Jesus. You can find a holyyyyyyyyy wife! :)

Curious to hear from the guy readers their take on the subject of gentle manliness.
