Just stop.

Last night I told you of our musical talent disappointment. Us girls sat down and bawled for what seemed like hours... Just kidding we were actually laughing our heads off. Until Mother heard of our choir drop out plans and wanted to fix our problem(s).
Mother told us we sounded beautiful! We replayed the recording of ourselves and she still couldn't hear the nails on chalk board that the rest of us were all hearing. She said we needed to sing in a room that wouldn't echo. So we obeyed and all gathered in a bedroom. Mom guarding the door like someone was going to jump ship. (Guess she saw that look in my eye or heard me whisper to Jordan, "run  for it.") Just kidding.
Sitting on the bed with my sisters belting it loud for all to hear was like The Little Mermaid who was told to KEEP SINGING! Except Ariel was flying solo & had an animated good voice. Other than that this picture kept playing in my mind with me as the tiny fish girl. 
So we sang, were interrupted a few times at the thought of the neighbors listening to us from across the way. There was laughter, "music" and then silence. However what broke the silence was when Jordan threw herself on the bed sobbing saying, "My whole entire life is a lie! I can't sing!" Once we realized she was being completely sarcastic we all about died from laughing. I guess I was laughing before I knew she was sarcastic. We all looked at Mom with faces of puppy dogs, or actually more like deer in the head lights. She told us, wait for it....

To pray about it. PRAY. about it.

Typical Mom advice. Funny thing is we all were thinking maybe we can pray for our voices to not be able to sing that day... Again Little Mermaid much? 

We all left the bedroom and came back to the kitchen. Couple minutes later Pa Grizzly awoke from his nap on the couch. (Note: this was like 10:00 at night) He was wide awake and very animated himself. He wanted to hear mu-zach! He obviously missed the whole past conversation. We gave him a little taste of the Partridge family but just decided to leave the rest of the story for another day. Like after mass.

So no, we're not the Partridge family, nor the von Trapps or the Brady bunch. However the show must go on. Look out and bring ear plugs. 


  1. Oh my gosh this has to be the most hilarious post you've ever written! So did you guys end up singing? I was thinking and praying for you that night! Wish I could have been there but, you know ;) Love ya!!!! I'm so proud of you that you made it through! School is tough and you should be proud that you did it!!!!!!!!

  2. We did end up singing! Yikes. The poor congregation! Congratulations to you too dear! You must know I am proud of you as well! I simply adore your grad pics! Stunning!! XOXOXO


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