Follow Him

"Be careful to obey all the commands I give you; show love to the Lord your God by walking in His ways and clinging to Him." ~Deuteronomy 11:22

Lord, you know what is in my heart. You know what I am up against. Help me to fight any temptation that will leave me broken and sad in the end. Let all that I do glorify you. Let not my actions be used in vain. Nor my words. I ask you Jesus to lift my eyes toward heaven. Today is all I have. Holy Spirit invade my body so that I am filled with the same peace as my Mother Mary. Teach me to understand, teach me patience, and above all to love. Love not as we know it in our world today. However love how Jesus Christ wants us to love. To turn the other cheek when struck. To smile when persecuted. To pray for those who pray against you.  To accept people for who they are and not try to change them. To accept life's curve balls especially when they wham you in the face.

Love isn't a game. Love isn't about picking and choosing. It's about embracing the beauty and the flaws. It's not easy though.Your heart may be scarred, and broken. You might feel like your drowning in unknown waters but if you call upon Him who rescued Peter from the same storm, He will save you.

It's all going to be well in the end. We just have to obey Him who asks so little of us. Show love to the Lord by loving unconditionally. By doing this we are clinging to Him like little children wrapped around a Father's leg. Not willing to let go.

Walk in His ways.
