
Yes, I am a germ freak. Que the "Dun, dun, DUN..." music.
Yesterday at Walmart I had a very disturbing experience. Well I guess I always do. But that's what one gets when one shops to save money and to live better. Maybe one of those two phrases in that sentence is true, I'll let you decide which one. ;)

We had just checked our three, ahem, THREE carts out! It was a long time in the store taking up more than our share in the aisles. We had an hour long trip back home so it was a good idea for a potty break.
While washing my hands a gal comes out of the stall and casually walks out the door. Pretty sure my jaw was dropped. I thought to myself, "self, next time you see a person who didn't wash their hands you tell them they need to." I was pumped for the next time I would be in that situation. A few moments later another gal comes out of a stall and chooses not to wash her hands. I watched her walk out the door. Why didn't I say something?!? My body and mind were in shock that I would witness this TWO times in less than TWO minutes! This time my jaw wasn't dropped but my face was all scrunched and nastified. Nicole had witnessed this culprit. Her facial expression was similar to mine yet not quite as dramatic. Just saying.

I walked out of that bathroom feeling completely grossed out. Knowing I had to push one of the three carts to the car didn't help me with thinking of all the sick people who never washed their hands that had pushed this very cart. Gulp. Gross. Gag me with a spoon.
Thank heavens for hand sanitizer! I drenched my hands in that stuff once I was in the vehicle.
So yes I am a germaphobe. Proud of it! This just ain't right.

Different note: Well a few hours ago I was going to tell you I missed the trash can when throwing a paper towel away. (Few hours meaning time flies when on facebook) Good thing I never had a dream of being a pro basketball player. Oh wait. I did.

I should also tell you that this post was written on Monday. Only because if I don't write ahead of time it'll never happen. Therefore when I say "yesterday" at the beginning of this blog, I am actually talking about today which will be tomorrow but yesterday to you readers. Shhh, don't tell.

One more thing before I go...Also at walmart a very interesting man was spotted. Skinny as a bean pole. Hair to his shoulders. Flaming taffy purple shirt. Taller than the aisle shelves. Decked out in neon bandannas wrapped around his forearms. I wonder what he was doing in the baking aisle...maybe I don't want to know.
Oh Walmart you struggle. You have more issues than a magazine. Or virus. (Inside joke. Nice try Mads.)
Okay I rest my fingers. Gotta go bake cup cakes grad is in five days. Yup, just counted on my fingers.
The End.
