Praise Ye through my complaints...

Brothers and Sisters! May the peace of Christ and all that is good and holy be with you!...and with your spirit. (If you're Catholic you just got that.) By the way, you better be reading this in your best Baptist voice other wise you're sucking the fun out of it. Try again.

Let me hear an AMEN!...close enough.

What gave me the idea to start my blog off like this? I wanted something unexpected. Actually I always talk like this, just not around other people. KIDDING! But for the rest of the blog I am going to be throwing in some "alleluias" (oops it's lent.) and a dash of "praise ye' Jesus" so you best be wrapping your minds around it or don't you go wasting no time on reading any further.

Alright now that we is started we is going to shine some light on the topic COMPLAINING.

(Yes, I have no idea where I am going with this but I want to blog and it's the first thing (well one of the first "okay" ideas I've had so far)

How many times do you...excuse me, does one, (don't want to point fingers) how many times does a person complain in a day? Hmm? I know you is counting on yo fingers right now but let me tell you. You don't have all the fingers in the world to count up the number of complaints we mope about in a day. No sir.

People reply: Amen! (Do it with a bit of a head nod too.)

We complain. What are our complaints? Here is a list of an average person's problems:

  1. Nothing to eat. 
  2. Your feet hurt.     
  3. Can't find anything to wear.
  4. You have to answer the phone.
  5. Already tucked in bed you realize you didn't turn the lights off 
Here is my response to your complaints...

  1. Either go look for loose change in your couch for fast food OR grab what IS in your fridge. 
  2. Quit wearing shoes supported by a tooth pick. 
  3. I know we could hook you up with some sack cloth and ashes...
  4. Have them leave a message! 
  5.    Clap on lights. 
I am just playing with you all. (You can turn off accent, time to get real.) 

I am the first to complain. Whether it is as small of an issue like mismatched socks or having last minute plan cancellations. As much as we don't want to admit it, we do all mutter some sort of comment regarding our unsatisfied feelings. We are human. Though their is a way to handle the situations...I haven't mastered it but no point in not trying :) 

What if every time a person complained, he or she, offered their frustration up? The world would be a better place! Why? Because a selfless world is a loving world. I am not trying to be all "Mr. Rogers" on you guys. ;) 

Can we as a family of Christ look past our mindset of "my way or the high way" and give our complaints to God who if we ask will use them for a much greater glory! 

It's much easier said than done, that's for sure, considering even just typing it doesn't look appealing. Though why not give it a shot? I know in my heart I want to praise Him through my complaints! AMEN! 

Alright this series is over. I guess I'll see who comments... if you don't like it just know that Gabbie didn't even write this...Max did. :) :) :) 

