Quote of the day

"Following the example of Jesus, I will carry the cross hidden in my heart with courage and generosity."

This was my women's saint calender quote of the day.

I fell right in love with it. I knew I wanted to share these words with the world. Even though I wasn't sure who said them until...

I looked at the end of the quote and saw my patron saint's name. St. Bernadette Soubirous!

 In an instant a smile spread across my face :)

I too want to follow the example of Jesus by choosing to carry my hidden cross with courage and generosity.

Let it be done that we all strive toward courageous and generous acts. Not because we want to take pride in them but because we want to pick up our crosses and follow the One who our hearts take pride in. Jesus Christ. <3


  1. So beautiful, dear Gabbie. Love, Aunt Wendy


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