Made to Climb

"Don't say, 'That's the way I am- it's my character.' It's your lack of character!" St. Josemaria Escriva

In other words, "You do you and I'll do me." 

Stay exactly the same, just as you are.  

Voicing those words stops any room for growth. 

We are made for more. Made to climb. 

Don't stay exactly as you are. 

Don't limit yourself.

"I see in each one of you, whatever may have been your past, whatever your circumstances at the moment, the reflection of the sacred, the image and likeness of Almighty God. I see you as sacred persons to be loved, persons of priceless dignity and worth. Indeed I may very well see you as being far better persons than some of you may see yourselves to be... To underestimate you is to underestimate God, for each of you is sparked with His divinity." John Cardinal O'Connor

Believe in your full potential. 

"You are not what has happened to you. You are not what you have accomplished. You are not even who you are today or who you have become so far. You are who and what you are still capable of becoming." Matthew Kelly
