New Things

Today I enjoyed the little things.

I took a walk down our lane on this gorgeous sunny day.

I played Monopoly with my siblings.

I learned how to make homemade pizza.

I didn't plan on doing these things but I enjoyed them very much.

The simple things.

The things I don't normally do.

 I needed to rest after my walk, I rested.

I took the time and played the game.

I learned a new skill.

I gave my best in each moment.

"If you feel tense, rest for a while. If you can forget your worries, you will regain your strength and your work will be more effective. To accept that there is a limit to your strength is a sign of courage; to know how to look after your health is a sign or wisdom."
-The Road of Hope

(I wish I would have taken a picture of the pie. Next time!) 
