Heart & Soul

"The prayer that a person prays to the best of his ability has great power. It makes a bitter heart sweet, a sad heart glad, a poor heart rich, a foolish heart wise, a timid heart bold, a weak heart strong; it makes a blind heart see and a cold heart burn. It draws the great God into the little heart; it carries the hungry soul upward to God, the living source, and brings two lovers together; God and the soul."
 St. Gertrude the Great 

There is power in prayer.

There is a need to pray with our hearts. 

"There is an ache in every human being for love, for union, for affirmation, for life and joy that God and only God can fulfill."
 Christopher West  

"My heart to Thy Heart, my soul to Thy Soul,
all that I am to all that Thou art." 

"God and the soul." 

God and our hearts.

Together the two are one. 

Together, a prayer of love. 

A prayer of hope. 

O my beloved and ever-merciful Jesus,
I adore Thee and I offer Thee all the love and desire of my heart.
The desire I offer Thee is the very one Thou Thyself hast given me:
the desire for holiness, that is for union with Thee.
Unite me to Thyself:
my heart to Thy Heart,
my soul to Thy Soul,
all that I am to all that Thou art. 
-A Benedictine Monk 
