Painfully ready to accept

I am alone 
I am scared
I am broken and burdened
I feel lost 
I don't know where to turn
Feel like running away
No where to go
We all feel this way
Then why is it so hard to speak
Because tears open up doors 
Meant to be locked.
I can't accept it
I have to
I don't want it
I need to
It's a beautiful thing.
Why be angry?
My heart feels ripped in half.
Why not rip out the rest right now?
Better to get it over with
No it'll never be over with
It's a never ending process
A learning journey
Something I must face
Cry about with open arms
Unlock the slammed door
Share about
Not keep secret
Not be afraid
Not run away from  my problems
Hug and release 
Be supportive
Ask not for strength
That is the last thing I need
I ask for humility 
Pray for healing
Pray for it to be done according to your word. 


  1. And now a poet! Great poem, Gabbie. I think you should continue to write, poetry and prose. God will lead. I pray for you, Jordan, and all the Rehder family. Fr Bruce

  2. Thank you, Fr. Bruce. I love writing poetry. Never thought I would but it flows right from my fingertips. I appreciate your prayers and support so much. Take care!


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