My last day

My last day as a seventeen year old. I can kiss being a child goodbye as of tomorrow. August 18th, I turn 18. I will be officially considered an ad-ult! I just laughed really hard. That's funny.

Turning 18 makes me think of a memory with Austin Wilcox. ~ "We're adults!" Silly grins plastered on our faces, we burst out laughing like kids. Love that boy!

I am really looking forward to my birthday and celebrating with my friends and family! I am excited to see what this year entails. I am certainly starting a new chapter in my life and so I ask God to continue to guide me and lead me. Lord, help me strive to become a better person each and every day.

Of course I wouldn't be here without Ma and Pa. I am so grateful to their "yes" to life! Thank you for having me and loving on me for the past 18+ years. (Plus sign equals Mommy/babyGabbiebondingtime#9months)

Here is to enjoying another day of life! 


  1. HAPPY GOLDEN BIRTHDAY GABS!!! I hope you have an absolutely amazing day and year!
    Love you girl!


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