First Friday

I did not want to get up this morning and go to mass. I wanted to sleep in late. I sat and worried last night about the alarm that would awake me. Why do I torture myself? The alarm is not a siren sounding we're at war. It's an opportunity to go worship the Lord! So why do I fret the small stuff? Because I let the devil get the best of me. I defeated him though! I got up and out of bed and greeted the day with a beautiful start.
I didn't want to surrender my sleep. However this was a chance I had to offer it up to the Lord as a sacrifice. What better day to sacrifice then first Friday in honor of Jesus' Sacred Heart?!
At mass I smiled at the little things: Those working to make the alter perfect. The people crammed in the hospital chapel. And the fact that I was so happy I came this morning to meet our Lord at the alter. My sacrifice quickly transformed into a thankful heart. I kept thanking our Father for bringing me to Him this morning. I jumped over hurdles and went through the garden of Eden to get there. With Jesus' help, I did it. i concurred the night and celebrated at the heavenly table with my brothers and sisters in the most holy Eucharist. Thank you Lord, for your ULTIMATE sacrifice. Thank you Jesus, for your Sacred Heart. Thank you Holy Spirit, for whispering in my ear to go to Him. We have the power to take our little doubts, thorns, slivers, and hurdles and to turn them into dancing! Take every chance you get to offer them as a gift to Jesus and His Sacred Heart. The reward is priceless.
