Question Mark

Perfect Trust 

Most sacred heart of Jesus
I place my trust in Thee
No matter what befalls me, Lord
I place my trust in Thee
Through all my joys -
Through all my woes 
Through naught but grief I see
Most sacred heart of Jesus
I place my trust in Thee 

This year has been nothing but question marks.

And we are still questioning the unknown around us.

What will this next season look like?

How much longer must we endure the craziness around us?

What changes are we to experience?

It's scary.

Not knowing what to expect is very unsettling.

But God doesn't want us to be unsettled.

He wants us to trust Him.

Question marks and all!

An answer that is helping me cope, ironically ends in a question.

"Is it a good idea or is it God's idea?"

Too often I think my plans are the best plans. 

I place my trust in myself instead of God. 

Jesus is reminding us that He will take care of the question marks. 

Be open to His ideas and His plans.

He knows the answers and that is enough. 

"Lift yourself up to Him, who has lowered Himself for you." St. Gemma Galgani
