Grace Like Rain

This morning I went down to Lewiston with my mom and dad. It was unbelievably smokey and nasty. The Costco receipt gal even had a face mask on to protect herself from the smoke. 
(By the way, I did not get a smiley face. I guess when you turn 20 the cuteness no longer works.) 

Anyway, we're stopped at a stop light  and all of a sudden little drops appear on the wind shield. RAIN! I rolled down the window and stuck my hand out to feel it to believe it. Only a drop touched my palm but it was rain! 

Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Cali (?) are all burning up. We are dry, smokey, surrounded by fires and are in great need of rain. I said rain, NOT lightning, not wind, RAIN! 

We've been talking the talk about needing rain but have we prayed for it? Really prayed for it? 

We pray for several things, a lot of different things, so why shouldn't we cry out to God to pour down his graces through rain? To wipe away this smoke? Our fears relieved?  

Gracious and good Father in Heaven, hear our prayer and answer it by sending us the rain we need. Give us the faith and the trust we want to have in you. Pour down your love on us through water from above. 

St. John the Baptist, on your feast day today I seek your intercession. You used water through baptism to lead others to Christ. Will you not now do the same to show us Christ through sending us rain? 

Father, I ask this in your most holy name. Amen.

Song below: (do listen) Grace Like Rain by Todd Agnew 

