Thoughts and Ways

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways are not my ways."  Isaiah 55:8

God you are much bigger than I sometimes think. You are infinite.

So often do I want what I believe is best for me, when you are the one with the plan.

Help me to live according to your thoughts and ways instead of my own.

Jesus, in the gospel today, you spoke of a parable where hearts were overcome with jealousy and envy. My heart too suffers from jealousy and envy. Come into my heart and wipe out all that is harmful to my existence. Show me through your ways that I may not seek to be jealous of others. Cleanse me. Renew me. May I delight in other's happiness and treat others how I want to be treated.

This is my prayer, Heavenly Father.

I give myself to you to mold me and fashion me in your loving hands.

