Defend yourself

So there I was with my siblings in the basement watching good ol' Seven Brides For Seven Brothers. Not even twelve minutes into the movie we hear a noise. Maddie quickly pauses the movie. The sound of foot steps from above can still be heard. We all stay still for at least a minute. (I should tell you we're the only ones home.) We all quickly jump to our feet. Nicole grabs a wooden chair and leads us up the stairs to clobber the fool who disturbed without knocking. Going up the stairs, thankfully Max had left his toy sword out. I snatched it in my hands for protection. We all make it up to the first floor. I look around and realize no one is here. Nicole continues to search the house.

We mirrored the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White when they see a light in their house and figure it's a monster. Instead of the Seven Dwarfs though, we're more like the Seven Dorks minus three.

That was an exciting event.

Hopefully no one ever does break in cus' if they do we're in a whole lot of troubles. ...I mean, we'll show em' who's boss.
