
I got it. I got it bad. I caught it at work...

No not the sickness going around. But a bad case of wanting to be a little kid again.

Growing up is all good and all but let's face it being a kid is just awesome.

Not a care in the world.

Not a worry either..

If I could eat snacks all day... Oh wait, I kind of already do.

But you know, run free, play with toys, dream big, I mean BIG, see the world through kids' eyes, laugh at little things, skip, jump, cry for two seconds and go back to playing, eat snacks, bring lunchables to school, eager to learn, eat snacks...

Have that magical, over the fence, reach for the stars, world series way about em'. (completely butchered that quote up, but you get the idea.) Kids just run free. Like cattle. Only a thousand pounds lighter and a whole lot faster, cus I've never seen a cow run. But it was the first thing  that came to my mind when I thought of a field because that's where I like to run. In a field. Actually I hate running, I feel like I am going to pee my pants every time I jump or stride. TMI.

Being little was picking dandelions and making wishes. It was the grass stain on your knees from rolling around in the yard. It was playing house and living simply. It was learning to ride a bike without training wheels and feeling like you could move mountains. It was the excitement of playing hide and seek. It was being held in arms of your loved ones. It was falling asleep though your eyes were fighting to stay awake. It was the fear of missing a moment.

Memories that come to mind when I think of my childhood are:

Washing baby pumpkins and selling them for cheap in our little red wagon. Drinking out of the hose in the backyard but getting more water up your nose than swallowing. Living large in the neon green bike chariot. *sniffle* Logan's Market, playing dress up & barbies, Flirting with just about every boy that came in my vision. Prancing around like royalty everywhere I went...And Getting so much joy out of a happy meal. Oh the little things!

Lord, how I'd like to relive everything from my childhood, How I wish every precious moment was on tape. Alas, it is printed on my heart.
As much as I would like to share all my amazing memories with the world, I cannot begin to paint the beautiful pictures they make up. .

I lived my childhood to the fullest. I am blessed.

In my adulthood I will still continue to look back and smile.

Thank you Jesus for giving me the childhood I had and help me to live out the rest of my life as your littlest child.


