Second First Day

Today was my second first day of my second year teaching as a Catechist to first graders.

Wow, mouth full.

It's gonna be a great year!

Today is class we all introduced ourselves and worked on answering questions about what each of us God's Special Creation.

First graders do know what's up though they may not know how to write big long words. But hey, neither does Miss Gabbie. ;)

One of the questions was "What do you like to eat" and one girl said she liked casserole.

I had to whip out the ol' Iphone, named phone, just so you know, and google how to spell casserole.

That was a good moment for me.

I also just had to right click over the incorrect word I spelled that was suppose to read cass a role.

Good thing I ain't teaching English or whatever ya learn this kind of crap in.

As a teacher in a class room of kiddos, the room tends to get a little noisy. That's expected. As Catechists we try to think of sayings that grab our student's attention.

An example of this would be: 1,2,3...eyes on me.

Well Miss Rehder brain farted and all I could blurt out was Stop Collaborate and.... 

They respond LISTEN.

One would have thought I'd have learned my lesson with trying this last year...


Then as we were leaving to take the kids back to school, I forgot my handouts and had to run back in the building to grab them.

Talk about scatterbrained.

Oh, and when we were leaving (Mom, Max and I) a bee was attacking me. It loved my Thirty-one flowered bag, that I may have chucked out of my arms when I saw it buzzing near me. Then the yellow little devil followed me into the car where the doors were shut. SICK.

What's up with us Rehder girls and bees lately? Nasty.

It was a successful day and I am excited to see how the rest of the year goes. I know it's going to be good because I work with some extraordinary women! Not to mention lovable little kids.

Well I am tired of spell checking with my computer's help so it's time to stop writing.

Peace out.



