
Oh boy! Fasten your seat belts... Here was my day at preschool...

Today at snack  I was talking to one of my little cousins... (I think I have three in the preschool.)

He told me his grandma has dogs at her house. I had to ask him which grandma. He repeated himself and I assured him my aunt, his grandma, does not have dogs at her house. He then was stumped. I said she has cats at her house to smooth things over. He lit up like a Christmas tree and then told me dogs chase cats. I agreed. The little girl next to him then told me she chases dogs and sometimes cats. The little boy next to her tried getting a word in but his mouth was full so it sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher... It was silent for a moment or two. Then my cousin picked up his animal cookie and saw it was in the shape of a bear. I asked him if he has ever seen a bear. (Hey, it's Idaho...) He said he hadn't. I tried telling him I have. He didn't really seem to care. The same little girl next to him said she had seen a polar bear before. I was excited she was on the same page as us. She then said, it was stuffed. I had to look away I was laughing so hard.

These kiddos are crack ups!
