67 Dislikes

  1. Sticky. I can't stand being sticky. 
  2. Clocks that do not work! Frustrate me. 
  3. Wet clothes... 
  4. Unwashed hands. 
  5. Long finger nails. (on myself that is) 
  6. Public bathrooms
  7. Toilets with no seat protectors
  8. People that walk out of bathrooms without washing their hands (look back to #4.) 
  9. Oily skin
  10. Dry skin
  11. Breakfast 
  12. Yogurt 
  13. The color gold 
  14. The number 6
  15. Cookies and cream ice cream
  16. Cookie dough ice cream 
  17. Complainers (Like what I am doing right now) haha 
  18. Braggers
  19. Arrogant citizens 
  20. Yelling 
  21. Balloons...oh how I hate balloons.
  22. Indoor plants... 
  23. Outdoor plants, that don't take care of themselves
  24. Cranberries
  25. Not being able to eat Kraft Mac n Cheese
  26. No longer allowed to eat McDonald's chicken nuggets or cheese burgers. TEARS.
  27. Celebrities 
  28. Chinese Checkers
  29. Sitting at home on halloween
  30. Haunted Houses
  31. Dirty music
  32. Tomato sauce 
  33. Smudgy glasses
  34. Bad breath
  35. Butt shorts
  36. Bikinis 
  37. Kid shows nowadays
  38. Slow internet 
  39. Marshmallows (they're full of gluten and sticky) 
  40. Bugs
  41. Hangnails
  42. Cats
  43. Too big of cars
  44. Miracle whip PUKE!
  45. Spinach
  46. Scrambled eggs
  47. Bad manners 
  48. Foul language
  49. No listening skills 
  50. Dirty shoes 
  51. Germs
  52. Needles
  53. Oreos
  54. Reeces Pieces
  55. The Jungle Book
  56. Pinocchio
  57. No personal hygiene 
  58. Sass mouthing 
  59. Repetition
  60. Snakes
  61. Fly away hairs 
  62. Concerts ;/ 
  63. Bubbles 
  64. Lice
  65. Crumbs
  66. Not having floss when you need it 
  67. Cottonballs bahahahaha 
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My face after I give instructions and someone asks what to do... #teacher #meme

make you squint

