It's coming around

We're all at risk. We're all going to die. We're all going to suffer first and then we're all going to die.

No, just kidding, but really we are at risk. 

It's flu and cold season, and I work with kids and well need I say more? 

Seriously though, it's time parents start keeping their kids home when they are sick.

I can't tell you how many times I hear from kiddos that they were puking their guts out last night and their brother has it and now their dog. I feel like I am dealing with plutonium only without gloves. 

It not only irritates me that kids and their parents are so determined to get "perfect attendance" or make it to practices that they'll risk contaminating everyone else and risk not getting better by coming to school when they're still under the weather but it makes me very sad. 

A cold, I don't have a problem with if you come to school with. But stomach bugs? Or lice? Or anything else serious, isn't okay or nice to other students, teachers, and staff members. 

Teachers reading this remember to make sure your kids are washing their hands! Try to help remind kids to not put their hands in their mouth as well as sneezing and coughing in their elbow. I know this is a full time job all by itself but it's worth it. Who wants to be sick? 

   Funny- They have to leave it on their desk for when they come back...Love this because YEAH RIGHT they really wash their hands on their own in the bathroom every time! The one who thought of this knows me well. A-de-ose germs!

Now I know some of y'all are thinking I am way to strict about this. Let me assure you I know and think it's not healthy or safe to be too clean. However it's not healthy or safe to not care. 

So maybe you're not getting your flu shot, like I am. Maybe you're not stripping down and getting in the shower the second you get home. Maybe you're not bathing in bleach... (that was a joke) Some of you might, I don't know... But maybe you should take off work to stay home with your kids when they're sick. And the same goes for you too! Your coworkers don't want none of that. Though it's less common to catch going from adult to adult compared to children it's still just better if you stay home. 

I want to also throw out there that not everyone is going to listen to my amazing advice on Let's Not Get Sick 101. However if YOU take my advice, that's a step. And hopefully it will ripple. 

So please think of others before you think of yourselves. 

Stay sanitary everyone. We're headed into a storm.  
