First day of School

Today was my first day of my second year of helping teach preschool.

Not gonna lie, I was nervous. Not nervous about my job but anxious about change. Going from a laid back summer to routine.

My mind was restless.

No more sleeping in! Gasp* This chick thinks she needs her sleep.

"Suck it up, Cupcake."  

Why was I nervous, when I like things orderly? Psht, who knows...

I was making a big deal out of nothing and being a big fat baby.  

Today came and I was excited and ready to spring out of bed.

I guess I just needed today to get here so I could remember there is nothing to worry about.

I love my job! So glad I work where I do and who I work with!

My imaginary anxiety is gone.

And the best part is today at preschool the books we read were on being nervous about your first day of school. :)

The Kissing Hand and First Day Jitters.

First Day Jitters is about Sarah who won't get out of bed because she doesn't want to go to a new school. She finally does end up going but she doesn't know anybody. Turns out nervous Sarah is the teacher of a new class.

This makes me smile. I can relate to Sarah in the story though this be my second year, and I still get to keep some students from last year, and my coworkers are the same, and our class routine is the same, I didn't know "what to expect" as far as new students go. How harmful can preschoolers be though? ;)

 Alas the butterflies came, but they went rather quickly. First Day Jitters turned into First Day Giggles. :)

We also read The Kissing Hand which is such a sweet story about a momma raccoon giving her baby a kiss on the hand so he or she (don't remember what it was) wouldn't be afraid at school, and would have it's mother's love with him always. (okay so I decided the raccoon is a boy.)

The amazing Erin made for snack, Kissing Hands. Sugar cookie hand cut outs with chocolate kisses in the middle. ADORABLE! Now here is what is funny...

As a rule the kiddos aren't allowed to eat or touch their snack before we say thank you.

Well today a little girl's cookie hand was missing at least three fingers.

I had a total nostalgic moment laughing looking down at that cookie and little blonde headed girl.

Back in the day of 99, when I was jumping from preschool to preschool, my preschool teachers told us they were putting gum balls in out cubbies and were not to be touched until I don't remember, the next day or something.

Well Gabbie Ann, the small, adorable, toe headed, decked out in irrigation boots, green corduroy jumper and wouldn't be surprised if there was a jean hat...decided she did not have to "wait" to take that blue gumball.

So peeschool let out, jaw breaker stolen, and skipping out of sight Gabbie's mother asked, "Where did you get that gumball? Me, like a convict awaiting the chair, "I WAS ALLOWED TO HAVE IT!" And that is when my mummzy plied it out of my lieing little mouth all the details of my felony. I remember having to publicly apologize (because apologies are normally done publicly) to my teachers. Like a cat drowning in water, gasping for air, and standing behind and gripping it's mother's legs, I whimpered out an 'I'm sorry" and "I took the gumball." And that ladies and gentlemen was the beginning of my stealing days. I'm clean now. It just took me a while to bounce back after incident one, and well incident two...

Anyway like I said I love my job, I love who I work with/for and I love my kiddos! It's gonna be a great second year!

First day of my second year ~ g'd up!  
