Lord write my story

I gotta do it. I just gotta do it. I have at least a dozen documents started, they just need to be finessed and completed. Why is it so hard telling my story? I do it all the time here on Get Gabbie. Maybe I am looking for perfection? Well I am obviously not going to find that... I just need to commit myself from start to finish in writing my book. Pray for me that if this is in God's plans that I write a book, that the words will come easily and eventually the publishing will not be hard to do or find. If it is according to His will that my story be shared in book form, may it be done to inspire and not to impress. May my thoughts on paper be of only truth, love, and overcoming trials. I ask that my guardian angel hold my pencil or I guess I should say guide my fingers on the keyboard, as I pour my heart and soul out for the world to read. Lord Jesus, I want my life to lead others to You. Use me Jesus. In this I pray, Amen.

