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Hedonism's motto is feel good do it 

Culture has convinced us that pleasure and happiness are the same thing, which is a dangerous lie. 

We think we can be happy if we can just get enough pleasure 

,,,the only way to say no to the culture's lies is to have a deeper yes.

As a people we turn to pills... 

Our bodies make wonderful servants but horrible masters. 

No matter how big or small addictions they break our will  

Words from: 

Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission 5 Steps to Winning the War Within by John R. Wood 


Let's face it. Our culture and society are screwed.up.! 

Everything is "if it feels good, do it." 

Most popular are: Over eating, lieing, smoking, drinking. doing drugs, porn, divorce, adultery, murder, living like you're married before you're married, and so on... 

Like the author, John R. Wood, said, culture has taught us that happiness and pleasure are the same thing. Well, they're not. They have two completely different meanings. Pleasure being what we want and happiness meaning the ultimate good which brings happiness in the long run. 

Society however has us believing we can only be happy if we get enough pleasure. This is NOT true. We can have pleasure by being happy, but we can not be happy by having pleasure. 

We all struggle with saying 'no.' Lies are eating at us from all around and it is time to say 'no' to these lies, The way to say 'no' is to have a deeper 'yes.' Be sincere to others and to yourself.     

As a people, we turn to pills. Think about it. Pills are a quick "fix" in our lives. We need them to survive, or so we think. No doubt in some situations and health stories really do need medication to survive, but what the book is getting at is we have to fix everything that is broken or damaged or hard by finding a simple fix it all solution. 

Our bodies do make wonderful servants but they also make horrible masters. You decide Who your real master should be.

Addictions big or small are addictions. And all addictions are self destructive because we are slaves to ourselves rather than to the truth. Break those addictions. . 

 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8 
