A loved heart
A loved heart is the one I have. I am so grateful and thankful for your comments, support, prayers, understanding and love when I underwent hurt and humiliation. I cried tears of hope and happiness reading each of your words you wrote so beautifully to me. Why should I let one person's unkindness effect me so much? I have a whole team of friends and family that love me for me and that is what really matters. That, and the love of my Daddy in heaven, who is walking with me and carrying part of my cross as Simon did for Our Father's Son. Your prayers and love are also carrying me. I am very blessed and loved by each of you. Thank you for that. Lord, I know this isn't the last time I will be mocked and hurting. Help me to turn the other cheek. Let my tears wash away anger, frustration and restore my sadness. Thank you sweet Jesus for my life and help me to use it only for your good. In your most holy name, Lord, this I pray.
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