You Are My Beautiful Bride

My Princess,

You are My beautiful bride! There is coming a day when we will rejoice together in heaven. No wedding on earth can compare to the celebration we will share on that amazing day! Every bride prepares for her earthly wedding by doing all she can to be her best. The bride's attendants work diligently to make everything perfect before she meets her bridegroom.

My princess, I am your heavenly Bridegroom, and I have already made all the preparations for you. Don't worry that your life is not perfect. On that glorious wedding day, I will present you spotless and blameless for all of heaven to see. All I ask of you today is that your heart be fully and completely Mine.

Let My faithfulness, mercy, and love be the sweet music that fills the wedding sanctuary. You, My bride, will be clothed in a beautiful gown of My glory on that great day, and all the depths and heights of heaven's joy will be yours.


Your King and your Bridegroom

"Let us be glad and rejoice and honor him.
    For the time has come for the wedding feast of the
    Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself."
    ~Revelation 19:7~
