Internet Interaction
I was pondering this the other day...
What if the internet simply quit?
I'm not talking only google, I mean everything that flows through cyber space.
No more emails, myspace, facebook, twitter, quick answers, youtube, iphones, text or dare I say, pinterest. GULP!
Everything in an instant simply stopped. No longer existed.
We'd all "loose" connection.
But really we lost connection years and years ago.
No harm or foul found in an email or quick way of contact with someone dear but really, can you name all 500 of your facebook "friends"? Can you afford the wedding designer dress you just pinned?
I am 100% guilty of hiding behind my laptop screen. Look at me now. Blogging. Soon to post to facebook which will reach those who've subscribed their inboxes. Huston, we have a problem.
A habit I cannot stand about myself which I try to fight but not hard enough, is being on my laptop or iphone while watching a movie. What's the point of watching the movie then? There isn't one. I tell myself my hands have to be doing something. Well maybe I should tape them in duct tape and while watching t.v. I will have to try and unmask them... I'll let you know how that goes. Ha.
What happened to our world? This generation...
I look at my grandparents and wonder what life was like without phones and internet. Sometimes I wish it were that simple. Then I shake that thought off and say, "What would I do without pinterest or my people?"
I'd live. Heck, I'd do more than that. I'd really live. I'd make something of my life.
Rather than the wasted time playing Candy Crush, pinning hopes and dreams to fantasy boards, or looking up strangers on facebook just because there is "nothing" else to do. (Not that I've ever done that. Hello, weird.)
If it all disappeared in a moment think of all the angry and desperate people there would be.
Their photos, homework, addictions, games, friends, wedding plans, music, netflix, and everything of importance would be GONE.
We depend on something so undependable.
How ridiculous is this?
We put our trust in technology but rarely in God.
Kids let alone adults don't talk face to face. It's always snap chat, instagram, text, tweet, or video games isolating them.
Ask a child what their favorite thing to do is, and I bet you 90% if not more, will answer with computer games, wii, video games, or a movie.
Back in the late 90's (I sound like uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite) my classmates and I would have answered this question with a favorite toy. Meaning: stuffed animal, blocks, or barbies. Something you DO something with not something that does everything FOR you. Or if you asked about a favorite game, the answer would be: tag, hide and seek, or duck duck goose. Am I right or am I right?
Now, stupid digital games are being described and children would rather sit in front of a screen rather than go play on the play ground.
I will not be surprised when schools have kids playing wii fit instead of running outdoors.
Another digital problem I see is cell phones and ipods. Kids are getting those for birth presents. I read on pinterest (I didn't just say that) that parents when their baby is born that they will create their child an email account for when they grow up. Seriously? COME ON!
Let's interact people!
I want to challenge myself as well as all of you (who are on your computers or iphones by the way) to limit your tech time. You'll still get blog posts from me, comments on facebook, pinterest pointless pins, notes by email, heck all of the above but the internet WILL NOT OWN ME.
I was made for better things. Though awesome the world of cyber space may be, our real world around us is much more fascinating! It's breath taking. It has me in awe, where as staring at a screen only puts one in a trance.
Look up.
Click on this link and watch. Be prepared to be awe stricken.
What if the internet simply quit?
I'm not talking only google, I mean everything that flows through cyber space.
No more emails, myspace, facebook, twitter, quick answers, youtube, iphones, text or dare I say, pinterest. GULP!
Everything in an instant simply stopped. No longer existed.
We'd all "loose" connection.
But really we lost connection years and years ago.
No harm or foul found in an email or quick way of contact with someone dear but really, can you name all 500 of your facebook "friends"? Can you afford the wedding designer dress you just pinned?
I am 100% guilty of hiding behind my laptop screen. Look at me now. Blogging. Soon to post to facebook which will reach those who've subscribed their inboxes. Huston, we have a problem.
A habit I cannot stand about myself which I try to fight but not hard enough, is being on my laptop or iphone while watching a movie. What's the point of watching the movie then? There isn't one. I tell myself my hands have to be doing something. Well maybe I should tape them in duct tape and while watching t.v. I will have to try and unmask them... I'll let you know how that goes. Ha.
What happened to our world? This generation...
I look at my grandparents and wonder what life was like without phones and internet. Sometimes I wish it were that simple. Then I shake that thought off and say, "What would I do without pinterest or my people?"
I'd live. Heck, I'd do more than that. I'd really live. I'd make something of my life.
Rather than the wasted time playing Candy Crush, pinning hopes and dreams to fantasy boards, or looking up strangers on facebook just because there is "nothing" else to do. (Not that I've ever done that. Hello, weird.)
If it all disappeared in a moment think of all the angry and desperate people there would be.
Their photos, homework, addictions, games, friends, wedding plans, music, netflix, and everything of importance would be GONE.
We depend on something so undependable.
How ridiculous is this?
We put our trust in technology but rarely in God.
Kids let alone adults don't talk face to face. It's always snap chat, instagram, text, tweet, or video games isolating them.
Ask a child what their favorite thing to do is, and I bet you 90% if not more, will answer with computer games, wii, video games, or a movie.
Back in the late 90's (I sound like uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite) my classmates and I would have answered this question with a favorite toy. Meaning: stuffed animal, blocks, or barbies. Something you DO something with not something that does everything FOR you. Or if you asked about a favorite game, the answer would be: tag, hide and seek, or duck duck goose. Am I right or am I right?
Now, stupid digital games are being described and children would rather sit in front of a screen rather than go play on the play ground.
I will not be surprised when schools have kids playing wii fit instead of running outdoors.
Another digital problem I see is cell phones and ipods. Kids are getting those for birth presents. I read on pinterest (I didn't just say that) that parents when their baby is born that they will create their child an email account for when they grow up. Seriously? COME ON!
Let's interact people!
I want to challenge myself as well as all of you (who are on your computers or iphones by the way) to limit your tech time. You'll still get blog posts from me, comments on facebook, pinterest pointless pins, notes by email, heck all of the above but the internet WILL NOT OWN ME.
I was made for better things. Though awesome the world of cyber space may be, our real world around us is much more fascinating! It's breath taking. It has me in awe, where as staring at a screen only puts one in a trance.
Look up.
Click on this link and watch. Be prepared to be awe stricken.
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