Here am I

Let me, Lord, blindly walk the way that you present. 

I understand not, but obey, your child, content! 

Father of Wisdom, and my Father too.

Even by night, you lead me to you! 

Lord, let it be just as you will, I am ready to go! 

Though my longing you may never fill, in this world's woe.

The When is for you - O Lord of all time.

Your eternal Now will one day be mine!

May all that you plan come to pass as you will, and wisely decree.

When you call me to sacrifice, silent and still, then give courage to me! 

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 

Trust is the answer to the feeling of not knowing the way or not understanding.

It's not an easy answer but it's the courageous answer. 


Courage to trust in the middle of the silence, stillness and sacrifice.

Courage to live up to our full potential and to desire the will of God first. 

"Here am I Lord, send me." Isaiah 6:8 
