Smile with Confidence

I have decided my smile is my confidence.

Sure how I walk, stand, and speak make me feel confident too but nothing defines me for me more than my smile.

I may "seem" confident when I walk, stand and speak but without my smile I cannot truly be confident.

I think you can picture the difference between someone who is confident in "stature" with a frown or no expression at all rather than someone who is confident with joy written on their face.

Which would you rather be?

I ain't talking the definition of confidence the world wants us to think. Ya know, better than everyone else, too good, cocky. nose in the air etc... 

I am talking about the confidence you have in yourself to be pleasing to God.

Am I spreading the love of Christ everywhere I go? Am I putting others before me? Am I forgiving faults and seeing others as Jesus sees them? 

Y'all may be wondering what the heck those questions have to do with being confident.

Well the type of confidence I am getting at is confidence in the Lord.

There is no better way to feel confident.

Therefor it begins in a smile.

Let His foot steps be the foot steps you follow. Let His love uphold you. Let His Holy Spirit fill your mouth with His words. In all of these things do it for Him and in Him.

Do it with a smile.

My view on being confident may be different than yours. And that's okay.

I will say though that it is easier said than done, to put on a smile and forget about the confidence high the world encourages. Like every high there is always going to be a crash after a while. But not with God. Cus' a "Jesus high" lasts forever and ever.

This past week I guess sort of inspired this post. A pretty miserable week I am going to admit. One thing after another and I just couldn't seem to get a grasp on life at all.

Last night when starting to write this all up I didn't get very far because I felt like a hypocrite preaching one thing and feeling the opposite. Today has been a little better day. Ha. Doesn't mean I am going to succeed without flaws, because I am most certainly not perfect.

We're all trying to get to heaven. At least I hope we all are. ;)

We can't get there without knowing and trusting God. So put your faith in Him, and if you're too afraid ask Jesus to put it in Him for you. We can't do anything successfully without our Father.

He is smiling at us, let's smile back at Him and say "yes"  with confidence to His almighty plan. 

Your smile is everything!

Like this!

True words


  1. Hey girl! So sorry to hear its been a tough week, but I agree with you- Have confidence knowing that your smile is showing others the love of God. Wish I could see that smile again soon! Miss you :(

  2. Thank you dear heart <3 I miss my Dan <3


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