Something wicked this way comes...
Yeah..it's called Lent.
Don't judge me. You're thinking it too.
Y'all don't wanna give up your precious facebook, or your oatmeal cream cookies or for all you coffee lovers out there your Bros & your Bucks.
Seriously I dread this time of year so much.
Should I build my bridge and get over it? Probably.
Should I grab a straw and suck it up? Yes.
Cus' once I get past my phobia of Lent is like a concentration camp, it really ain't that bad.
Seriously if you want to make yourself feel guilty keep reading...
You know how some people support a child from another country financially?
Well a family sent their child who was actually college age some money for Christmas so he could buy maybe some new shoes or a cell phone. Want to know what that guy did with the money gifted to him?
He bought his mom who has eight children still at home living in Africa a toilet. This family of nine had been using a latrine. With eight kids! Bad enough if one was single and had to use the ground in their home.
How many of us have more than one toilet in their home? More than two? How about more than three?
Toilets that flush.
The things we take for granted.
I'm not asking you to not flush your toilets this lent nor am I asking you to not use them period.
This Lent I am challenging myself (and yes it will be a challenge) to take the small every day things and be sure to be grateful for them.
I'm not talking, "Thank you Jesus for this amazing life I am living" (though be sure to thank Him for that too) but I am saying, be truly grateful and share your gratitude with the rest of the world by giving freely.
Here is a link to check out for 20 strange things to give up for Lent.
This may be only a pin from pinterest but why not use them this Lent?
Yeah..it's called Lent.
Don't judge me. You're thinking it too.
Y'all don't wanna give up your precious facebook, or your oatmeal cream cookies or for all you coffee lovers out there your Bros & your Bucks.
Seriously I dread this time of year so much.
Should I build my bridge and get over it? Probably.
Should I grab a straw and suck it up? Yes.
Cus' once I get past my phobia of Lent is like a concentration camp, it really ain't that bad.
Seriously if you want to make yourself feel guilty keep reading...
You know how some people support a child from another country financially?
Well a family sent their child who was actually college age some money for Christmas so he could buy maybe some new shoes or a cell phone. Want to know what that guy did with the money gifted to him?
He bought his mom who has eight children still at home living in Africa a toilet. This family of nine had been using a latrine. With eight kids! Bad enough if one was single and had to use the ground in their home.
How many of us have more than one toilet in their home? More than two? How about more than three?
Toilets that flush.
The things we take for granted.
I'm not asking you to not flush your toilets this lent nor am I asking you to not use them period.
This Lent I am challenging myself (and yes it will be a challenge) to take the small every day things and be sure to be grateful for them.
I'm not talking, "Thank you Jesus for this amazing life I am living" (though be sure to thank Him for that too) but I am saying, be truly grateful and share your gratitude with the rest of the world by giving freely.
"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."
Psalm 29:2
Here is a link to check out for 20 strange things to give up for Lent.
This may be only a pin from pinterest but why not use them this Lent?
![Be happy.](http://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/61/4e/15/614e154cf5201280b4a475c3502cfbba.jpg)
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