Woman of the year...
Who is the woman (beast) of the year? Beyonce! (Be.yawn.say. not Be.oince. and not Be.ahnce. Call her what you will though;)
I came across this video on facebook of Beyonce which made me physically sick. Before you watch or let your kids watch I suggest previewing it first. By the picture you are looking at above is your hint of why I was ready to puke.
I was well aware that Beyonce dressed inappropriately, danced immorally, and had no boundaries or self respect at all. Though what I knew was bad is worse than I had ever cared to imagine. Not only are Beyonce's behavior and idea of clothes repulsive but the messages she is sending out to the world are pure evil. I am not even being overly dramatic.
The video does a better job of listing reasons of where her choices have brought her.
How can a person created by the same God as you and I go off the deep end? Deep end is an understatement. She dug her own grave. (I don't judge.)
Seeing the video shots of her on stage throwing herself "to the left, to the left" was scary because I knew she had invited the devil to take control. She and her husband are recorded talking about being possessed. Pause. You don't just wake up one day possessed. You would have to open the door for the devil and invite him into your life for him to take control. I say this because if you believed in the power of God rather than the tricks of the devil you would know that God is not going to let any harm come to you.
Beyonce is quoted by admitting she has no idea who she is when performing. I pray for her soul. I pray for Jayzee, her husband's conversion. I pray for the millions of fans she is luring in. Example: "Put your arms up, let me feel your energy." SCARY!
I will be the first to admit that she has a beautiful voice. I tell no lies. I have listened to her music. However watching this link has changed my music taste tremendously.
Now I don't want to make waves but woe to ye who finds no wrong in this lifestyle.
I can hear it now..."I don't like Beyonce but her music has a great beat and so I like dancing or listening to it."
Stand strong for crying out loud! Don't rot your soul with satan's tools. Think about what you're listening to! Boys and girls, what would Jesus do? (yes that's what I sound like right now but THINK ABOUT IT!)
From the book of Romans, "If God is for us who can be against us?"
I put my trust in the one and only LORD. I refuse to support a woman who is selling her soul to the devil. (This goes for you too Lady Gaga.)
Hear our cry sweet Jesus. Deliver us from our sins. I ask that all you who read this pray for the artists and the rest of those who are involved.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
I came across this video on facebook of Beyonce which made me physically sick. Before you watch or let your kids watch I suggest previewing it first. By the picture you are looking at above is your hint of why I was ready to puke.
I was well aware that Beyonce dressed inappropriately, danced immorally, and had no boundaries or self respect at all. Though what I knew was bad is worse than I had ever cared to imagine. Not only are Beyonce's behavior and idea of clothes repulsive but the messages she is sending out to the world are pure evil. I am not even being overly dramatic.
The video does a better job of listing reasons of where her choices have brought her.
How can a person created by the same God as you and I go off the deep end? Deep end is an understatement. She dug her own grave. (I don't judge.)
Seeing the video shots of her on stage throwing herself "to the left, to the left" was scary because I knew she had invited the devil to take control. She and her husband are recorded talking about being possessed. Pause. You don't just wake up one day possessed. You would have to open the door for the devil and invite him into your life for him to take control. I say this because if you believed in the power of God rather than the tricks of the devil you would know that God is not going to let any harm come to you.
Beyonce is quoted by admitting she has no idea who she is when performing. I pray for her soul. I pray for Jayzee, her husband's conversion. I pray for the millions of fans she is luring in. Example: "Put your arms up, let me feel your energy." SCARY!
I will be the first to admit that she has a beautiful voice. I tell no lies. I have listened to her music. However watching this link has changed my music taste tremendously.
Now I don't want to make waves but woe to ye who finds no wrong in this lifestyle.
I can hear it now..."I don't like Beyonce but her music has a great beat and so I like dancing or listening to it."
Stand strong for crying out loud! Don't rot your soul with satan's tools. Think about what you're listening to! Boys and girls, what would Jesus do? (yes that's what I sound like right now but THINK ABOUT IT!)
From the book of Romans, "If God is for us who can be against us?"
I put my trust in the one and only LORD. I refuse to support a woman who is selling her soul to the devil. (This goes for you too Lady Gaga.)
Hear our cry sweet Jesus. Deliver us from our sins. I ask that all you who read this pray for the artists and the rest of those who are involved.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.
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