It doesn't matter.

The mistakes we make today can be mended tomorrow.

Life is too short to worry over the small things. Now I am not saying we should push off making things right. However I am saying don't dwell on the past or what seems to be troublesome.

Lately I have been feeling such peace over not caring what other's opinions are. If someone doesn't care for the person I am, it doesn't matter. That's just it.

It doesn't matter. 

If I live my life for the approval of others that is one of the biggest mistakes I could make. I have to be comfortable being me. It doesn't matter what "they" think. It doesn't matter what "they" say.

Again... It doesn't matter.

I say this with a carefree attitude. A shrug of my shoulders. Pft.

I recently posted I am content with who I am. I hope this post finds you with the same attitude. If not, I encourage you to work towards being happy in your own skin.

It's already been said that life is too short. Well, people are short. Wait, what? ....

Don't waste your time, talent, gifts, and self at the expense of other people. Odds are those who try to change you are struggling with changing themselves.

Do what you want to do under the circumstances of putting God first. He'll tell you what matters.

He'll tell you, YOU matter.

So forgive and move on. Listen but do not take the advice of fools. God made you to be you. He didn't create two of the same human being.

Look past and remember :



  1. HAHA! I love you Gabs :) Next time somebody tells me they're too scared to do something, I'm just gonna say "People are short"... You crack me up, lady!

  2. Dan you SOOO get my humor! LOL


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