Hats Off

Today is Veteran's day. A day we remember all those who have fought and are fighting.

My question is, why do we only celebrate these men and women once a year?

It should be every moment of every day. Our freedom don't come cheap.

Hats off to all my family and friends who have payed and are paying the price for my life to be worry free. I can sleep soundly at night knowing I am protected.

These veterans you and I are talking about in our facebook statuses are more deserving then just a click of the like button. Heck, they're more than a comment.

No words, thanks, or awards could ever give back what they've given us.

 They're the reason why we have those 50 stars on our flag.  The red and white stripes represent the blood and courage that runs through their veins. These heroic men and women are WHY we are Americans.

I am forever grateful for the sacrifices you made/make for me.

Asking St. Michael to stand by you as you fight, train, recover, stand tall, and do what is right.

And with that I ask you all (Catholic or not) to join me in praying,

 St. Michael the Archangel, 
defend us in battle. 

Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. 
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, 
and do thou, 
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, 
by the power of God, 
thrust into hell Satan, 
and all the evil spirits, 
who prowl about the world 
seeking the ruin of souls. 

May God bless you and protect you. Know you are loved. Hats off to you. Thank you.
