Give of yourself
Jesus asks us to give, not from our surplus, but from our poverty. This is true not only in our worldly goods, but also in our spiritual poverty. Where am I poorest? In my lack of faith or charity? I can make an act of this as well.
(Yesterday's reflection from Elizabeth M. Briel.)
Am I slow to open up my wallet? Am I generous but not loving? Is my heart willing to meet the Father's small favor of me? To give fully of myself.
Today I read in an eight ball manner by flipping to a random page in a book full of wisdom from Mother Teresa. She spoke so plainly yet so profoundly...
"Christ tells us to aim very high, not to be like Abraham or David or any of the saints, but to be like our heavenly Father."
Probably should've book marked that one... Bad thing about eight balling it, and quickly shutting the book deep in thought early in the crack of dawn in the rush of getting ready for school... Just spent a good long five or ten minutes finding that back... Few. I was about to sum up what Mother Teresa said but then it would've not been plain or profound attall. Hyphen. Period. (Say it in an Elizabeth Bennet British Kiera Knightly accent...attall.) Good enough.
Jesus didn't stress about money. Remember when He said give to God what is God's and Caesar what is Caesar's? He also didn't harden up like a nasty boiled egg and refuse to reach out to people in need. (Hate eggs.) Jesus was out with the poorest of the poor. He was a seriously cool guy.
Give of yourself like Christ did. Our little splinters that hurt us so have nothing on Jesus and Him dying on the cross for you and for me. Accept the small crosses you've been given and carry them with great love for the One who loves you above all things. Who loves you so much He gave His life. His Son.
(Yesterday's reflection from Elizabeth M. Briel.)
Am I slow to open up my wallet? Am I generous but not loving? Is my heart willing to meet the Father's small favor of me? To give fully of myself.
Today I read in an eight ball manner by flipping to a random page in a book full of wisdom from Mother Teresa. She spoke so plainly yet so profoundly...
"Christ tells us to aim very high, not to be like Abraham or David or any of the saints, but to be like our heavenly Father."
Probably should've book marked that one... Bad thing about eight balling it, and quickly shutting the book deep in thought early in the crack of dawn in the rush of getting ready for school... Just spent a good long five or ten minutes finding that back... Few. I was about to sum up what Mother Teresa said but then it would've not been plain or profound attall. Hyphen. Period. (Say it in an Elizabeth Bennet British Kiera Knightly accent...attall.) Good enough.
Jesus didn't stress about money. Remember when He said give to God what is God's and Caesar what is Caesar's? He also didn't harden up like a nasty boiled egg and refuse to reach out to people in need. (Hate eggs.) Jesus was out with the poorest of the poor. He was a seriously cool guy.
Give of yourself like Christ did. Our little splinters that hurt us so have nothing on Jesus and Him dying on the cross for you and for me. Accept the small crosses you've been given and carry them with great love for the One who loves you above all things. Who loves you so much He gave His life. His Son.
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