I fell in Love

This past weekend was my third year attending Steubenville Northwest. The conference is so amazing, I struggle finding words to explain how great it is. The speakers, the priests, the sisters, the masses, the people, the music, confession and my personal favorite...Eucharistic adoration!

This year was my first year with the Tri-parish group! It was an honor to go with them.
Though it was my first time without Jordan, it was my first time WITH Maddie!

In a nut shell, I was on a Jesus high the WHOLE weekend!

Like I said, I cannot begin to express or grasp the beauty and power of all those teens and young adults there for Jesus. It's mind blowing! I believe we had 1200 of us at the conference. Way to represent Northwest!

There were over 800 young peoples' confessions being heard by the priests. Fr. Rich defined the priests hearing our confessions as an "honor." I loved hearing that!

It's a LONNGGGGGGG walk from our dorms to where the conference takes place and therefor my wittle legs could not hack the distance. (Break into Hercules Distance song) I was sort of not really kidding with two of the boys in our group that I would need a piggy back ride and they'd need to be prepared to give me one. Well we made it outside of the building and we're walking and my words were taken literally. Here comes the funny part...

Anthony has me jump on his back and we are making progress. He puts me down at the light post where Clark is ready to take on the position. I have to leap on his back. Seriously, leap. (I actually had to try leaping on twice.) Clark took off running! Bypassing tons and tons of people. Clark puts me down. I am dying laughing! Only to find myself laughing even harder because Anthony is there to pick me up again But this time Anthony's brother Kevin is willing to take Anthony on his back with me still on Anthony's back!

Trying to fight panicking with laughter we couldn't get er' done so Anthony starts running. I don't remember if Clark picked me up again after Anthony was done, it's all a blur. In my mind the whole thing is never ending. Know I barely knew either of these two at this point. ;) And so I made two heroic friends for life. #saved #carried #supermen

Speaking of being carried... On Saturday selected youth ministers were to come up on stage. Our youth group started shouting and pointing at Debbie. She was chosen and both Anthony and Clark picked her up and packed her on stage! After the game for the youth ministers was over again the boys went back up on stage and picked her up and packed her back down again. I'm melting! Those boys are awesome.

By the grace of God I found both of my old parishes! It was so good seeing familiar faces! The best thing was I kept seeing their faces! God is so good!

I got to room with the dearest most authentic girl in the world, Courtney Schwartz. <3
I loved sharing through tears and laughter our faith in Jesus. I felt like this weekend grew us closer together in friendship too. Praise Jesus for that and the sweet heart she is!

Adoration Saturday night is always so powerful! If only I could express my heart on paper. Picture a room of 1200 some people with their eyes fixed on Jesus in the Eucharist. Moving music is playing and lives are being changed. A chill just ran through my body as I go back and revisit that moment. Tears are being shed, sniffling is being heard, and hands are raised in the air as if to touch Jesus Himself. Though there be so many strangers in one room, it is if it is you and Jesus alone. My description is but only a speck of how beautiful this gift truly is.

I admit it was a hard adjustment. New everything. Being away from home...
I actually threw up Saturday morning from nerves, which I thought at the time to blame the cranberry juice I guzzled. Not pretty. At that time I wasn't sure if I needed to call home or what would happen. I had my guardian angels looking out for me though. :) Julie, Courtney, and Debbie <3

I instantly felt better and Momma Mary walked with me the rest of the weekend.

I strongly believe that it was Satan doing everything in his power to keep me from praising my Lord.

Nerves, being sick, being away from home, and having to let go....They were obstacles. But obstacles I overcame through Christ who strengthens me. God always wins!

It was an incredible weekend. Praise the Lord! Thank you Jesus!

So what did I do this weekend at SNW? I fell in love all over again with my Savior!

My good friend and brother ~ our future priest

My beautiful friend Sam ~ so happy she came!

Amanda ~ our friend away from home, away from home

The sweet heart and dear friend she is
~ Courtney 

The sisters and us 
