
Yesterday my sister took her new name and habit. Her name is now Sister Jordan Rose. Very fitting. :)

I am slightly bummed that we didn't make a "reveal the gender name" cake with the insides either pink or blue...And even more disappointed that she didn't take the name Sister Jdogg or you know, Sister Butt Face. (Inside Joke.) I'm kidding. I didn't just write that. Okay, I did. But she isn't a sister sister yet so I can still harass her a little bit.

The eight girls who were postulates have now entered into the novitiate. Now with new names, and wearing the beautiful blue and white habits.

When Sr. Jordan Rose first entered into the Order and traded her old self for the new I thought she couldn't be prettier. But now that I've seen her in this picture, habit, veil, and huge smile, she radiates!

I don't think I have ever seen my sister happier...No, I know I haven't seen her happier.

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Jesus is shining through her and I can tell her heart is overflowing with love for Him. This is what makes her glow.

I know she is more than content.

Sister Jordan Rose, your name was the answer to my novena I did for you on your birthday. It's perfectly wonderful. Just like you.

Check out this link and soak up the picture that illustrates the pure joy of their love for Christ.


  1. Thanks for posting Gabbie! I love her name choice, Sr. Jordan Rose, beautiful, as she is.


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