Jordie Lou Who is now more than 22
Happy Birthday to the best older sister in the world!
I wouldn't be who I am today without you.
I love you with all my heart, all my sthoul, and everything else that I am.
I am the luckiest girl ever!
19 years and going with you in my heart!
You're the number one sister as Max would say.
We'll deal with him later... Right Maddie?
Seriously, though. You mean so much to each of us.
In more ways than words can explain.
You've always been there for me, and I know you'll continue to always be there for me.
Yeah, even from New Rowk.
I wouldn't trade you for anyone else, not even fwies!
Looking at these picture I have on my laptop is just a glimpse of how closely knitted our hearts are.
You'd probably kill me if you saw some of the photos.
Guess it is a good thing you don't have facebook and since you're studying your nunnliness killing me is probably out of the question.
Though a verbal beating in the tone of a whisper and using the word mortified would be more like it.
Ha just kidding. You'd probably just shake your head. I'd rather you beat me up.
Kidding again.
Oh the memories! And oh the ones to come!
You're 23! No longer twenty-twoOoO. Which means you'll never be forever 21.
And that is why Maddie needs to own a store next to Forever 21, and call it Finally 22.
BEst joke EVer!
Okay, I am going to shtop now.
I love you a million red mnms. Just kidding. I hate red mnms.
I love you a million sweedish fish.
I hate those too.
What if I love you like a love song?
I love you more than fwies!
Can't define this one...
Best two older sisters ever!
(side note: I look like I am going to pop. or poop. One of the two)
(the face)
Montana <3
Our last Steubenville trip together...
Oh Maxie. Love him and Jordan! And I guess the other two too :)
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