Back home

What a blessing it was to have Jordan back home. I can tell you every moment with her was treasured and will be kept forever in my heart.

Waiting for her at the airport was like a kid in line for her favorite ride at Disney Land. The six of our faces pressed up against that unsanitary airport window...   She was in plain sight!
(Pun right there... plain, plane...;)

It was slow motion. Yet it was fast pace! Sister Jdogg was running for us and I could hardly take it! I am pretty sure I elbowed Nikki and toppled Max to get right up to that door which was the only thing keeping me from tackling her.

I stood there like an innocent inmate trying to get loose shaking that door to open. However it could only be opened from the other side... Awkward. And slightly crazed looking.

She flung the door open and pretty sure doves ascended. Actually no. She was just strangled with hugs aka TIGHT grips. The other passengers probably grumbling that the door was blocked with 7 bodies huddled around.

We walked out the front door of Lewiston's airport and Jordan stopped us in our tracks. She said take it in. What in? She told us the fresh air! Laughing out loud at the thought of Lewiston's air being fresh. On a good day it only smells like some one farted! I ain't going into specifics about what it smells like on a bad day.
The point being Lewiston's air was mucho fresher than the polluted air of New York City. We gave her that.

It was a lovely week. Every second held dear. I'd like to share with you all my favorite moments but I can't even begin to describe them.

As hard as it was for my sister leaving, I knew it wasn't goodbye for good. Exactly 149 days until we meet again. At least I think it is 149 days...Google better not be lie n'.

I will share what Max said after Jordan was gone back to her home in the Bronx.

Max: "I'm sad."
Me: "Max, why are you sad?"
Max: "Because Jordan isn't here anymore."

We are all sad. Yet so filled with joy.

Jordie is safe and sound back in her new home.

149 days... Only 149 more days.
