
I admit it. I have a problem. A really BIG problem. I like shopping. A lot. So much that my family reminds me every time I speak of shopping that I do not need any more of anything! Max likes to call me the shopping godzilla. It's true.

I love every kind of shopping. Okay, untrue. I do not like home depot shopping, car shopping or pet smart shopping. But I love clothes shopping, antique shopping, thrift shopping, (ugh, is that the same as antique shopping?), shoe shopping, Christmas shopping, gift shopping, grocery shopping, and did I say clothes shopping?

So yes, I have a problem...

Insert "shopaholic" for "ugly." 

or go to link to watch 

Any questions?


Shopping spree? I wish!

online PRIME

"I love shopping for things online, because when they arrive, it's like a present to me, from me."

Between Amazon prime, pinterest and sell anything pages on facebook, I have the world at my finger tips! 
Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with how much I have in my closet. Just once, it would be nice to find Narnia. But then it can go back to being all clothes again. 

Work out major

I am so glad I saw this pin. I was beginning to question my athletic ability but now I see I am right on track.

Thrifting to me is more fun than shopping at any regular big name store. It's like a treasure hunt :)

Oh I love thrifting! Antiquing! All of the above! 

Forever 21

This is where it's at! 

The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.

Oh how my heart skips a beat at the word "shop." 

Poor kid! LOL

So many people don't like shopping, and I don't understand them. 


I sometimes just want to make this face... 

Keep Calm Go Shopping

Well, now that you all know how much I love shopping, I really want to go shopping right about now... 


  1. HAHA! Because of this post, I watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. Too funny and true. Love it!

  2. Wish I had been there to watch with you! Bahaha Love you!


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