24 years

Today, twenty four years ago, my parents pledged their lives to one another.
Okay, that sounds a bit infomercial.
However they did choose to become one through the sacrament of marriage.
And still honor that commitment each and every day.

Love is more than just a feeling. My mom and dad are proof of that. It's not always sunshine and roses. Love  is simply a decision to come together in the good and the bad of times.

My parents' marriage is not flawless, yet I see it as perfect. The sacrifices they make and the faith they have show me the meaning of hope.

What they have endured as a couple with the loss of our sister Jenny, is something no parent should ever have to go through. But they put their faith in the Lord and chose to seek His will, not their own.

The three Theological virtues: Faith, Hope, & Love ~ are exactly what a married couple needs to cling to in their relationship. (As well as anyone in any kind of relationship.)

Practicing these will not only bring you closer to one another but to Jesus, Himself.

I thank our heavenly Father, for knitting these virtues within my parents' hearts.
I thank the Holy Spirit for leading my parents to each other as well as guiding them on their marital path.
And thank you Jesus, for showing them how to love.  

May their marriage continue to bless those who come into their lives, as well as blessing each other.

Then they lived happily ever after!

Four more years!! Right, uncle Kenny? Well let's hope they make it longer than just four. ;)
