Inconvenience ~ Convenience

Do what is inconvenient for you  
that your inconvenience is convenient for others.

Doesn't sound fun does it? 

Nor would it be easy.

Yet think of how beautiful and meaningful your inconvenience could be for someone else.


Taking out the trash, doing the dishes, letting someone go first, a phone call, running an errand for a friend, doing what others need or don't know they need without hesitation.

Yup, this sounds like fun.

Maybe if we all tried it for a single day we would see the results of a happy person.
Not necessarily speaking of the person one would be making it convenient for but for the person doing the inconvenient thing. 

When we do good for others, when we help others, we tend to feel good inside. 

But let that good stay inside. Try not to glorify your inconveniences. After all they're suppose to be inconvenient for a reason. ;-) 

Let the goodness of your offering shine in your heart rather than shoot out your mouth. 

Do the work no one else wants to do.

In all things think of doing them for Jesus.

Little things with great love. 

In the words of my Mum,

Make today an "Inconvenient but convenient day"
 for others! 

Dear Jesus 
 by doing what is inconvenient for me let it be a blessing for others out of love.
 Let them feel my love and know Your love. 
Help me to practice living inconveniently so my inconvenience become convenient. 
